To enjoy water in optimal conditions, it is necessary to undertake proper maintenance and cleaning of all the components of our swimming pool, the costs may vary depending on the type of pool. Today, we are going to analyse swimming pool maintenance.

Aspects such as the type of swimming pool, the filtration system chosen, the type of water purification or the cleaning method determine the cost of maintaining our swimming pool throughout the year. Some require more effort, given that pool maintenance or cleaning will not last for as long for different types of pool.

Aspects that determine the maintenance cost of a swimming pool

  • Material used to manufacture the swimming pool shell
  • The lining used in the construction of the swimming pool shell
  • The shape and depth of the swimming pool shell
  • The type of filter, sand, diatoms, cartridge, etc.
  • The water purification system, since this varies if this is done with the addition of chemicals, with disinfection and dosing equipment, monitoring equipment, etc.
  • The cleaning process, depending on whether this is manual, hydro cleaning, automatic, intelligent self-cleaning system, etc.

The site where our swimming pool is installed has an impact on the quality of the water: Leaves, insects, pollen, dust, rainwater, the water we add to the swimming pool, all these external agents deteriorate the pool and, above all, the quality of the water, therefore, as well as chemical agents that regulate water quality, it is necessary to keep the shell (walls and floor) and its components clean, as well as the filtration system, pump and other components in good condition. First, let’s take a look at basic maintenance

  • Maintenance tasks for any swimming pool.
  • Swimming pool cleaning.
  • Water maintenance using chemical products: chlorine, pH adjusters, anti algae, flocculants.
  • Water maintenance using automatic disinfection systems, monitoring and regulation.
  • Cleaning and maintenance of the whole purification system.

There are various tasks that need to be performed to keep our swimming pool in good condition, therefore, an outside company or professional may be contracted to manage this, since repeating these actions every week, mainly in the season when the pool is used regularly, may become tedious.
But, does it take as long to maintain all types of pool? No, this will depend on the cubic metres, in other words, the size of the pool but, above all, the type of pool and the lining of the shell.

Below, we are going to take a look at maintenance differences between two different swimming pools.

Pool maintenance, constructed tiled pool VS fibreglass pool

As we can see, there are significant differences in the time and effort involved in the maintenance of each one.

  1. Swimming pools deteriorate over time due to the action of chemical products, therefore, a pool that requires less maintenance, or the use of fewer chemical products, will last for more years and we will therefore enjoy it and its appearance for longer.
  2. Tiled piles require more effortwhen it comes to cleaning the swimming pool shell because of the joints, this aspect also requires annual repairs as the tiles tend to break loose. Furthermore, being porous, they favour the formation of bacteria, which become darker over time. The gel coat covering on fibreglass swimming pools facilitates the cleaning of walls and floor since, being a non-porous lining, dust can be swept up easily and bacteria formation is prevented.
  3. If our corners are also rounded, better cleaning and, therefore, less effort.
  4. The finishes of constructed pools do not resist the action of chemical agentslike the high-performance Gel Coat used in fibreglass swimming pools. If your pool is made of fibreglass with a layer of Gel Coat marble tech™, you will have a guarantee of resistance against chemical products, as well as Gel Coat being a U.V. ray stabilising agent. Therefore, a swimming pool with Gel Coat contributes to less maintenance and we end up investing less time and money.
  5. Intelligent self-cleaning systems that direct dirt to the drain, thus avoiding inconvenient tubes on the surface of the water making swimming difficult, can be installed in both types of pool. This system also helps to maintain the temperature of the water if we have a heat pump with the resulting energy saving. If you want more details about this intelligent pool maintenance system, visit our Net&Clean

Swimming pools that allow an intelligent cleaning system, save on pool maintenance costs, since, by mixing all the water equally (surface and floor), we achieve a more efficient use of the chemical agents and, therefore, greater durability of the same.

A fibreglass swimming pool can come with the shell prepared for an intelligent cleaning system to be installed while, for constructed pools, this has to be done during construction itself, which causes a further delay to it being finished and you being able to enjoy it.

In summary, we can affirm that there are significant differences between tiled and fibreglass swimming pools, since the latter require less effort in the time taken to clean and maintain them, with the resulting saving on chemical products since these last much longer.

We hope to have clarified a few ideas and that they help you to choose the swimming pool you want. You can consult other articles about maintenance that you will find on our blog.