At Freedom Pools, we know that deciding on the colour of your future swimming pool is a very difficult decision, probably the one that will take up more of your time, and even more so bearing in mind the huge variety of colours currently available on the market.

Tips to choose the colour of your pool

There really is a broad range, among which our Marble Tech, colours, which are the result of years of research and development, stand out. We would like to give you some tips to make this choice less complicated and so you can take the best decision:

LIGHT AND DARK COLOURS: It has always been said that dark colours fade more over time and with continual exposure to the sun, but with The difficult decision about the colour of your swimming poolthe technology currently applied in our Marble Tech colours, this difference is now barely perceptible. Therefore, we can say that the choice between light or dark colours may now only depend on any furniture you may have around the swimming pool or even the colour of the façade of your house.

PLAIN COLOURS or PATTERNS: If you choose a plain colour, you will see that you will have a greater sensation of space, making your swimming pool seem bigger. However, dirt on the floor of the pool shows up much more on uniform colours than with patterns.

CLASSIC or INNOVATIVE COLOURS: Sandy, white and grey colours are currently trending compared to classic blues and greens in all their many shades.

The difficult decision about the colour of your swimming poolRELAXING or REFRESHING COLOURS: Apparently, light colours give a greater sensation of relaxation, which makes the bather spend more time in the pool. However, blues convey refreshment, which is more suited to encouraging games or diving, which makes bathers seek more of a sensation of coolness, prompting them to want to keep getting in and out of the water.

Choosing the colour of your future swimming pool is very important but, at Freedom Pools, we believe that the result of whatever decision you take will be an unbeatable and refreshing place for you and yours to relax and play together.